Double Exposure: Engagement Photographer

Covid-19 postponed their Eglington Grand wedding until 2021, but their engagement photos still happened in 2020

How did you feel about the engagement session after it was all over?
Delighted! Working with you, Frances, was so easy and fun. All of your directions made it feel as natural as possible, and you clearly had such a clear vision for what you wanted when we entered each space. Our main thought was, "We can't wait to work with you again on our wedding day!"

  • How did you meet?
  • We met in high school! Well, technically even middle school. We had known each other since grade 7, casually, but it was October of grade 10 when he really caught my eye. I had updated my MSN Messenger display photo - hello late 2006! - with something Phantom of the Opera related. He messaged me, said he knew and liked some of the songs from the musical, and my whole brain and heart went, "Oh dear, I like him now." Over Christmas I sent him a message saying that I had a crush on him. He wrote back saying that he had noticed, he didn't feel the same, but "you never know." I remind him of that last part ever anniversary.
  • What do you remember most about your first date?
  • In typical high school fashion, we "got together" at our semi-formal in February 2007, meaning that we slow danced a lot and kissed each other for the first time. Our first date after that was watching the horror movie Silent Hill in my mom's basement.
  • When did you know he was the one?
  • I think I always knew. I certainly believed he was the one in high school, when you like to think that you know everything. The moment I keep coming back to as I think about how to answer this was about two months into dating. Some of us had snuck out late - sorry, parents! - and were wandering the neighbourhood, but the temperature had dropped dramatically. He took his jacket off, gave it to me, and held me until I stopped shivering. That was the first time I told him "I love you".
  • How did you feel the moment he proposed?
  • Were you surprised by his planning?The moment was a surprise, but I had had a heavy hand in helping his planning. We went to Barbados in December 2017, and in the months leading up to the trip I had picked out a ring, sent it to him, and then arranged for my Maid of Honour Amanda to be his "proposal buddy", should he have anymore questions or ideas. We got to the resort and he suggested that we book on of the sunset couples photo shoots. I had hinted that I really loved seeing couples get engaged while photographers were present, so that the moment would get documented. I remember being SO nervous getting ready for the shoot: "Is this it? Is it proposal time? Is this all in my head? Is my eyeliner even enough? What if I cry?" We had a lot of fun, and then, towards the end of the shoot, he pulled out the ring. I burst into tears. It was all on-camera. He later told me that he had waited until the end of the shoot, because he didn't want me to ruin my makeup if I cried. WHAT A KEEPER!
  • What do you like to do as a couple?
  • Laugh. Lots of laughs, everyday, as much as possible. Our tastes are very similar when it comes to movies and shows, so curling up with our two cats and binge watching something together is our main downtime. In the past couple years, our biggest love has been going to music festivals and concerts.
  • If you could use 3 word to describe the theme of your day what would they be?
  • Low-key. Phantom (of the) Opera. Meaning lots of dramatic blacks, reds, and golds, but no masked stalkers or chandeliers crashing. We hope...
  • What is it about my photos that speaks to you?
  • The drama and the darkness. I feel like most wedding photos really play up whites and bright lights as much as possible. It seems more rare to have photos that really embrace the contrast between light and dark.
  • What is the one thing that attracted you most about your partner?
  • Back in high school: his beard. Now: his laugh.
  • Tell me 3 things about your partner that describe them best?
  • Jeremy is patient, thoughtful, and sillier than you would expect.
  • Tips or advice that you would give to future couples when planning a wedding?
  • Long engagements really take the edge off! Go at your own pace. Trust your instincts and surround yourself we people who have your back. Also, if anyone is saying not to do something because it's "cliché" or "over-done", ignore them. It's YOUR wedding - do what YOU want!
  • How did you feel about the engagement session after it was all over?
    Delighted! Working with you, Frances, was so easy and fun. All of your directions made it feel as natural as possible, and you clearly had such a clear vision for what you wanted when we entered each space. Our main thought was, "We can't wait to work with you again on our wedding day!"
  • Read Their Love Story

Location: Toronto, Ontario.

Keywords: double exposure (6), engagement (107). 1/320; f/4.5; ISO 80; 92.0 mm.

108 Gordon Crescent, Meaford, ON N4L 0A9 - (416) 526-2005 francesmorency@gmail.com

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