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Raw Files

Original, Un-culled RAW Files

Would you like to own the original files? I'm offering the option to purchase your RAW files.

Very few photographers, actually I currently don't know anyone in Canada that is offering RAW files to their clients.

Purchasing RAW files means you own everything. As editing styles change, you'll have the original straight out of camera captures. These files can be edited forever without any compromise to the original digital image.

RAW files are the unedited data files that a digital camera produces which would be the equivalent to a negative that a film camera produces.

Digital File Format

Today's cameras as of 2023, capture images in JPG or RAW format. Professional photographers typically choose RAW formats over JPG for the uncompressed RAW image data which means with these files photographers can create custom editing without destroying the original file data. Editing the original file is not permanent and doesn't affect the original data like JPG where you can't go back to the original data on the digital file once it's been edited.


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Image Quality

To edit RAW files you'll need software such as Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Lightroom to create the final image product.

As an example, the RAW file format will allow you to change the colour profile, white balance, exposure, and numerous other settings to create the final image you're imagining. Image quality will never be compromised no matter how many times you edit your original digital file. Other digital formats, your modifications will impact final image quality.

If you really want to take the time to edit to your own images from the event I'll sell you the RAW files.

However, be aware that copyright laws will still apply and the photographer still owns the usage license for the images.

108 Gordon Crescent, Meaford, ON N4L 0A9 - (416) 526-2005 francesmorency@gmail.com

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